Course Launch Essentials Strategy Call
For creators looking for expert launch strategy and unparalleled processes to manage all the moving parts.
Investment: $497

A simple and clear roadmap to ensure your launches are a success!
90 minute strategy call + Live Launch Notion Hub template
Pre-call questionnaire
Fill out a pre-call questionnaire to ensure our time together is as productive as possible.
Live Launch Notion Hub template
I'll share my live launch secret weapon, my Live Launch Notion Hub template. You'll leave with clarity on how to utilize this incredible and free tool for your unique launch needs, team size, etc.. This template will empower you to peacefully manage all the moving pieces (and people) of your launch with ease.
90 min. strategy call
Whether you are preparing for your first live launch and feeling overwhelmed and lost, or have done a few live launches and are seeking a more organized strategy to success, I got you. We'll talk through live launch essentials and you'll leave with clarity on how to map out your unique launch strategy!
Post-call launch support
For two weeks following our call, you'll have the opportunity to reach out to me for launch support and guidance. This is great for questions that may arise as you begin to implement your strategy and customize your Notion template.